Submit: Erotic Domination Box Set Page 11
The sales associate shifted her gaze to Vanessa who sheepishly shook her head. “Okay, well my name’s Candy and I'll be right over here, just let me know if you need anything!” The bubbly blonde trounced off in the direction of the checkout counter, leaving Sara shaking her head in annoyance.
“Anyway…no, I don't think he thinks you're weird. He might be a little intimidated?” Sara pulled a matching bra and panty set off the rack and dropped it in her shopping bag.
“You didn't see his face though…what about this?” Vanessa held up an extravagantly laced black bustier with satin panels.
“Relax, if anything he's probably just happy he's getting laid…and no, it's too lick my boots and call me mommy.”
Vanessa laughed and hung the bustier back on the rack, moving over to a rack of less aggressive bra and panty sets. “Maybe…I don't know, I'm just worried that I made things weird between us.”
Sara shook her head, “Seriously, just relax, he asked, didn't he? And you just answered his question. If he didn't want an answer, he shouldn't have asked in the first place.” Sara moved to Vanessa’s side and reached in front of her, pulling a white lace bra and panty set off the rack. “This is what you're looking for.” She held the hanger in front of Vanessa, looked at her for a minute and nodded her head in confirmation. “Get this one.”
“Are you sure?” Vanessa took the hanger from her friend and held it up in front of herself. “It looks kind of…virgin wedding night, don't you think?” She took a step back and looked at Sara.
Sara contemplated it again and shook her head, “No, that's the one.”
Vanessa shrugged, she was used to Sara’s forcefulness. If she was honest, it was a relief to have someone make decisions for her. She had always been indecisive, so much so that even deciding where to go for lunch was a chore. “Okay…anything else?”
Sara shook her head, “Nah, I think that should just about do it!”
“Stockings?” Vanessa glanced over the rack of neatly packed stockings, but Sara shook her head.
“Too much.”
“Oh…” Vanessa couldn't help but feel like she knew nothing at all next to her Cosmo magazine of a friend.
“Come on, let's go pay Candy a visit!” Sara snickered as she started off in the direction of the checkout counter with Vanessa in tow.
“Okay, so we got the sexy lingerie, now we need an outfit to go over it…” Sara took a bite of her sub as she glanced around the mall. There weren't many stores visible from the food court, but Sara knew the mall like it was her second home and had every store mapped out in her head.
“I was thinking maybe I'd just wear my red dress?” Vanessa said questioningly. Sara immediately shook her head.
“No, besides, he's already seen you in that one…” Vanessa sipped her soda before taking another bite of her sandwich.
“Well, I only have so many outfits!” Vanessa said.
“Look, you want to hang on to this guy, right?”
Vanessa nodded, “yeah…”
“Okay then, some skinny jeans and a sexy shirt will work well.” Sara continued surveying her mental picture of the mall, “Got it!” She announced, putting down what was left of her sub. “I have the perfect outfit for you downstairs!”
Vanessa shoved as much as she could of her food into her mouth knowing that Sara would start off downstairs any second.
“It's an adorable peasant shirt and it'll look perfect with some dark blue skinny jeans!” Sara was already standing up, grabbing for her purse. “come on, let's go!”
Vanessa looked at the remaining half of her sandwich and decided it just wasn't worth the effort to try and eat it on the go. Instead, she wrapped it up and dumped it in the nearest trashcan. “So much for living on a budget,” she murmured as she turned to follow Sara through the mall yet again.
Vanessa had met Sarah ten years ago, when they were both freshmen in college. Back then they had still done the personality test to match you up with a roommate system. It was supposed to encourage new college students to meet new people and ‘expand their horizons’, but at the time, Vanessa was horrified at the thought of living with a stranger. As it turned out, she and Sara had quite a few things in common, although not so much that they clashed. Sara was from a wealthy family, she took charge, and she didn’t hesitate to speak her mind. Vanessa, on the other hand, was from a working-class family, she was about as indecisive as they came, and she rarely spoke her mind for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. Still, the two got along so well that they ended up as roommates for all four years of their undergrad studies and when they both stayed in town for their post-college careers, they stayed in touch.
“You’re going to love it and most importantly, so is he!” Sara charged ahead and Vanessa followed her breathlessly, she should have known better than to wear anything but flats on a day out with Sara.
“Okay, but just remember I’m not made of money!” Vanessa said as they both came to a stop outside the glass elevator.
“I know, I know, look, I have a card there anyway, I’ll just put it on that, okay?” Sara pressed the call button for the elevator repeatedly.
“No! You’re not buying me clothes!”
“Well, technically my dad pays the card so he’s the one buying them and it’s not like he can’t afford it…” Sara flashed a perfectly straight white smile and Vanessa couldn’t help but shake her head. She would never understand what it was like to come from so much money that spending $100 on a single outfit wasn’t a big deal. If it was up to her, she would do all of her shopping at outlet stores and she’d expect at least five outfits for a hundred dollars.
“I’m not letting you or your dad buy me clothes,” Vanessa said. She knew it was pointless to argue. Money had little significance to Sara and once she’d set her mind on buying something no amount of arguing was going to change her mind.
Chapter 3
“And don’t forget to wear that necklace we got. Oh! And the earrings!” Sara shouted after Vanessa.
“I won’t!” Vanessa said quickly before turning around and heading for the door. Sara still had plenty of shop left in her, but Vanessa had long ago reached the point of exhaustion. It was only after begging three times that Sara had agreed to release her and let her go home while she stayed and finished her shopping trip alone.
The multi-storey car park was much darker than the afternoon sky. The sun was just beginning to set and the pale blue of the sky had become much more of a steel-blue that was barely visible at the end of the lot.
Vanessa hated parking at the mall. Multi-storey car park spaces were narrow and there was something inherently creepy about walking through them alone.
“Urgh, I should have just stayed,” Vanessa said to herself as she weaved through the cars. Her wedge heels clip-clopped on the asphalt as she walked, trying to remember just where it was that she had parked her car.
Reaching into her purse, she felt for her keys. A click of the button and she’d be able to hear her car even if she couldn’t see it. As she walked, rummaging through her purse, she could hear a car driving slowly beside her. Sure that they were following her to snag her parking space she waved her hand to them, signaling them to move on, she had no idea how long she’d be looking for her car. But the car didn’t drive on.
When the engine noise continued to follow her, she glanced back towards it. A large black van with tinted windows. She felt her heart beginning to race. “They just want your space, that’s all.” She told herself as she looked forward and tried her best to weave between as many parked cars as possible. As she did, the van sped up slightly.
Vanessa’s breathing was coming fast, her palms were sweating as she still fumbled for her keys. She couldn’t stop now, it would only make her an easier target, but where were those damn keys?!
Coming to a break in the parked cars, Vanessa stopped briefly. She knew that she was going to have to cross to get to the next row of parked cars, but where had the van gone? Her eyes
darted right then left. She couldn’t see it, but it didn’t mean that it wasn’t there. Taking a sharp breath in, Vanessa chanced it and stepped out into the throughway and as she did there was a loud screech.
The man’s hand over her mouth had shocked her, but when everything went black, she became paralyzed with fear. They had put something over her head. They were dragging her, pulling her into the van. Vanessa kicked, grabbed, scratched, she wasn’t going to go without a fight. She heard muffled talking, then the van door slid shut and there was a sudden quietness, a still in the air.
“Please don’t hurt me.” She said, her voice barely audible. “Please?” Her plea was met with silence. She turned her head to each side, but whatever they had put over her head was thick, there was no seeing through it. “Please, I won’t tell anyone!” The panic was setting in and her whole body started to tremble.
“Shut up!” A voice came from the front of the van. It wasn’t a voice that Vanessa recognized and it wasn’t a voice she was going to test either.
Time seemed to drag on and with every turn of the van, she tried to keep a mental map of where they were going. They must have been near Cordon Street by now, two rights, a left, and another right. Why hadn’t she just stayed with Sara?
Vanessa’s heart was thumping, she could barely hear the breath of her captors now, the blood was rushing so loudly through her ears. Stay calm, she told herself, if you panic, they will panic.
“My name is Vanessa…” She blurted out. She’d always heard people say that you should try to make your captors see you as a person if you ever got into trouble. It’d make you harder to kill, harder to distance themselves from. “I work in…”
“SHUT UP!” The man from the front seat shouted again and she pressed her lips together so tightly that her front tooth split into the top lip. The metallic taste of blood touched her tongue. She tried hard to focus on that single sensation, that reminder that she was alive.
“There!” A familiar voice came from behind her and instinctively she turned her head towards it. As she turned, she felt the van make a left turn and her body slid to one side until she came up against something…someone. She felt them turn, their breath loud against her ear, and one hand pressed onto her thigh. Her breath caught as the electricity of his touch ran up her thigh. Her lips parted slightly as she gasped involuntarily. The hand on her thigh slid an inch higher and she instinctively parted her legs. This is what she had fantasized about.
As terrifying as it was, the touch of a stranger’s hand on her thigh sent an awakening through her body. His hand slid further up her thigh, under the hem of her skirt. She tried to quiet her breathing, but with each creeping movement of his palm, she had more and more difficulty. Then his voice came, breathy and warm against her ear.
“I’m going to fuck you, would you like that?” She couldn’t stop herself from nodding slowly and as she did, the hand crept that last inch towards her panty line.
Chapter 4
The man who had been sitting beside her in the van was now holding her by the wrists and pushing her forward as they walked. She still couldn’t see where they were walking, but she knew they had to be somewhere secluded, somewhere where no one could see them. There was no way they would dare walk her with her head covered up through a public area.
Vanessa focused on the clip-clop of her heels as they walked on the asphalt. The man was squeezing her wrists tightly in his hands and she could feel him closely following her. She hadn’t heard any of the others get out of the van with them. Where had they gone? Who were they? She took a deep breath in. There was nothing distinctive about the air, nothing she could identify or use to place herself in the city. They did still have to be in the city, though, they hadn’t been in the van long enough to be out of the city yet.
The man pulled her to a stop and released his grip on her wrists. Vanessa stood still as she listened to him stepping in front of her. Keys jangled and a door unlocked. She heard the door open, a breeze blew back her dark bangs.
Grabbing her wrists once again, the man pushed her forward.
“Step.” He said. His voice was gruff, masculine. He hadn’t talked nearly enough for her to be sure, but she felt like she knew that voice well.
Vanessa stepped upward and found the lip of the doorway under her feet. The man pushed her forward and she listened as he kicked the door closed behind them.
Wherever they were now was slightly chilled. It smelled like air conditioning. Like a stale apartment. The man navigated her through a series of turns until they came to a stop.
“What is happening?” Vanessa dared to ask, her voice quiet and shaky, still afraid yet at the same time intrigued.
“I told you…” The voice came against her ear, hot. “I’m going to fuck you.” The jolt of electricity shot through her body again, she felt every muscle in her pelvis tighten with excitement and her heart race with fear. “Kneel down.” The voice commanded her. She did as she was instructed.
As she knelt down, her knees found a soft pad in front of her, a mattress of sorts. It was quite thin, but thick enough to cushion her knees from the firm concrete floor. She could hear her own breathing now, coming faster. She could feel her head becoming lighter and starting to spin.
The man leaned down. “Close your eyes.”
She closed her eyes firmly and as she did, she felt the cover being pulled from her head. Seconds later it was replaced with a blindfold of some sort. A tiny crack of light came in from underneath the blindfold.
“Just in case you were tempted to peek…” The familiar voice said, and then Vanessa felt the man move from behind her to in front of her. He smelled of faint cologne, nothing she could identify. She felt him lean down to her again. “I want you to do something for me, Vanessa…” His breath smelled of peppermint.
“Yes…” She spoke with a whisper and the words had barely left her lips when he took her bottom lip between his.
His kiss was soft, his bottom lip full, and even as he pulled her to him by the back of the head, he was gentle. His voice had been somewhat familiar, but his kiss was even more so. She was ninety-percent sure of who her mystery captive was now. Vanessa parted her lips, she couldn’t help but invite him in, invite him to take her. His mouth hungrily tasted hers. She could hardly breathe as he kissed her passionately. Then he pulled back, releasing his hand from the back of her head. Vanessa stilled, her lips still parted, hoping for more.
“Tell me…” He whispered, “Do you want to taste me?” Just the tone of his voice sent goosebumps over her skin. She nodded slowly. The adrenaline rushing through her body combined with the enhancement of her senses, it was all so much more than she had ever felt before. She could hear her breath coming fast.
The man stood up in front of her and she listened as she heard the sound of his zipper. She could feel the warmth of him drawing closer and then just as she saw his black leather shoes from the crack in her blindfold, she felt him touching her lips.
She parted her lips to the softness of his cock head pressed to them. She could taste the tangy sweetness on his tip as he slipped into her mouth. Wrapping her tongue around his head, she licked the dew from his cock. She could hear him breathing faster now as she leaned forward, drawing more of him into her mouth. She dared reach forward with her hands. Grasping blindly, she felt for his ass and when her hands took hold of his cheeks, she pulled him to her. Driving his cock deeper into her mouth.
“Mmmm” The man hummed as she bobbed her head back and forth, fucking him with her mouth. “Just like that…” He whispered.
His words only encouraging her, Vanessa bobbed her head faster, feeling the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat. She shouldn’t be doing this, she knew that, she certainly shouldn’t be enjoying it…
The man’s thick cock stiffened between her lips and she made shallow motions with her mouth, pounding his head against the back of her throat. She wanted him to cum for her, to fill her mouth with his salty orgasm. Pulling him for
ward, she couldn’t help but start to gag as his cock went further down her throat. Her eyes watered and she sucked in a breath through her nose.
“Ahhh…just like that…” The man whispered again. As he did, she felt it, the twitch and pump of his shaft. A deep breath through her nose and she felt the first warm jet of his cum down her throat. She swallowed, gulping down every last drop of him hungrily, knowing that she shouldn’t, but unable to stop herself. Then when the cum finally stopped, she pulled back, sliding him from her mouth and teasing the his tip with her tongue.
Chapter 5
Vanessa laid on the mattress. She could feel the cool crispness of linen under her naked body. The man had stripped her and pushed her back to lie down. Then, once she was lying down, he had taken two leather straps of some kind and tied her wrists to anchors on the wall. She couldn’t tell what the anchors were, the blindfold was still in place, but she could feel that they were too study to be easily pulled from the wall.
After he had tied her to the wall, he left the room. Vanessa wasn’t sure where he had gone, but she heard him leave and she could hear him somewhere within the distance moving something around.
The chill of the air conditioning was beginning to set in again, her skin covered in goosebumps. “Excuse me?” She dared to shout out.
“Excuse me?” She asked again.
There came footsteps this time. She heard him draw closer and then come to a stop.
“I’m cold,” she whimpered. She had contemplated asking for a blanket or asking for him to give her some clothes back, but decided instead to let him do the decision making for her.
“Mmm…” The man hummed and then she heard the click of his knees as he knelt down beside her. “I see that…” His voice was a whisper. Then she felt his breath on her chest. The warm air from his mouth peaked her nipples hard. Slowly he teased her perky nipple with his tongue before slipping it into his mouth and sucking gently.