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  He considered chastising her, but he knew that even if he wanted to punish her by pulling his cock from her sweetness, he couldn’t do it. He was seconds away from coming and there was no doubt that she was too. He thrust forward, deep and hard. Her breasts bounced with each buck of his hips. “You like it hard?” Tom asked breathlessly, pulling back only to stab forward again, burying himself down to the hilt.

  “YES!” Vanessa didn’t hold back, she couldn’t. One more thrust and she felt her whole body stiffen and jolt. Her toes curled in to the sheet that covered the mattress and her nails dug in to the palms of her hands. She felt the man stiffen at the very moment he pushed her to the edge. The ripples of her orgasm now pulled them both in to ecstasy. He jerked, the rhythmic pulsing of his cock filling her with his thick hot cum.

  “Fuck!” He groaned as he fell forward, his body resting on hers.

  Chapter 9

  He laid for with his face beside Vanessa’s. His cock had long ago stopped twitching, but he remained buried inside her, their exhausted bodies supporting each other.

  Vanessa felt comfort under the weight of his body, pinning her down with no chance of escape. If her hands had been free, she would have had her fingers in his hair, pulling him to her. She had never had such a mind shattering orgasm before and as he laid inside her, she could still feel the echoes of the ripples of pleasure running through her body.

  “Tom?” She broke the silence.

  He lifted his head and looked in to her face through the darkness. “Hmm?”

  “Will you keep me here?” Vanessa asked. She had never been more serious about anything in her life. The very idea of being chained here, in this mysterious building, with this mysterious man, of being his sex slave…it made her every fantasy come true.

  Tom shook his head. “No.”

  There was a sense of disappointment that took over her body as she looked up in to the darkness of his face. She wasn’t sure that she had expected him to say yes, but she hadn’t been prepared for him to say no either.

  “I…” She started.

  Tom pressed his mouth to hers, stopping her from speaking. Then, pulling away, he slid his cock from between her legs and moved off to the side. “No.” Was all he said, again, as Vanessa listened to him getting dressed.

  There was silence as he pulled on his pants, zipped himself up, and pulled his shirt back over his head. Vanessa wanted so badly to beg him, to offer herself up to him, but she knew that it would do no good. Like her, he wanted what he wanted and like her, part of the thrill was in the chase.

  “Tom?” She asked in to the darkness.

  “Hmm?” He knelt beside her, wrapping the blindfold back around her eyes and tying it tightly. His fingers feeling to ensure that her eyes were covered.

  “Will you at least come for me again?” Vanessa tried her best not to sound pleading. “Some day?”

  He leaned in and planted a firm kiss on her lips. “You’ll have to wait and see.” He said before pulling back and standing up.

  “Please?” She couldn’t help but plead.

  “Patience is a virtue.” He said. Vanessa listened as he walked away from her and left her alone in the darkness.

  His hands fumbled with the eye catch on the back of her skirt. When he finally got it to catch, Vanessa heard the relief in his sigh. He spun her around, his hands brushing the sides of her shirt, making her look presentable.

  “I’ll take you back to your car.” He said. Vanessa nodded slowly, sadly. She didn’t want to go back to her mundane life, not now, not after this. She felt him reach for her hand and for a moment she offered it to him, her fingers searching for his. Their hands intertwined briefly before he pulled back and grabbed her wrists like he had done when he first brought her there. Vanessa felt a twinge of heartache as he stepped behind her and started to march her forward. “When we get to your car, I’ll let you out. Keep the blindfold on and count to one hundred before you take it off.”

  Vanessa nodded. “Okay.”

  “If you take it off before then, then…”

  “I won’t.” She reassured him.

  “Good girl.” Tom eased his grip on her wrists just a little as he pushed her towards the front door and the car that waited outside.

  The car sounded like the same one that had snatched her from the mall. There was definitely someone driving it aside from Tom. Vanessa was almost certain there was another person in the car too, but she couldn’t tell. She wondered if they knew what she had done if they knew that she had enjoyed it, that she wanted to stay.

  This time as they drove, they drove in silence. Vanessa slid her hand across, her fingers searching for Tom’s for one last moment of his companionship. He slid his fingers around hers and squeezed them tightly and without a word, he reassured her that one day he would come back for her.

  The van pulled slowly to a stop and Vanessa heard the door open. A few minutes later, she was being eased out of the van.

  “Patience…” Tom said, as he let go of her wrist and set her hand on the door of her own car. Vanessa nodded obediently and listened as he walked away. When the van door slid shut, she started counting.

  The air was chilly against her skin, and she could only guess that it was sometime in the early morning. Still, as chilled as she was, she was going to continue counting until she reached a hundred.

  When she finished counting, Vanessa reached up and slowly tugged the blindfold from her eyes. She squinted against the change in light and blinked rapidly as she tried to adjust. She was right, it was still early morning and the sun was only just beginning to creep across the sky. The windows of her car were misted with morning dew and there was an isolating sense of loneliness as she looked down to the purse at her feet. Her keys lay on top of it neatly and as she bent down to pick them up, she couldn’t help but smile to herself.

  Chapter 10

  As She pulled in to the parking lot of her apartment and in to her usual parking space, she paused. Sitting behind the steering wheel, she looked up at her apartment balcony, at the normal mundane life that awaited her. It wasn’t that she had been bored with her life before or even seen it as mundane, but now that she got a taste of what she had always wanted…it just didn’t seem the same anymore.

  She sighed.

  As she opened the front door to her apartment, she had half expected to see David waiting for her. She was relieved when she found the place empty, though.

  After taking a much needed hot shower, she wrapped herself in a large towel and pulled it tight around her. She headed for the bedroom, but as she did, she noticed her shopping bags from yesterday sitting on the living room floor. She was certain that she hadn’t brought them in, in fact, she couldn’t remember what had happened to them at all after she had been pushed in to the van yesterday.

  “Hello?” Vanessa called out in to the apartment, but there was no answer. She crept forward and looked at the front door, it was closed. Perhaps she had brought the bags in and just forgot? She grabbed the bags and took them to the bedroom where she dumped them out on the bed. There were the skinny jeans that Sara had bought for her along with the white peasant top, necklace, and matching earrings. Vanessa picked up the necklace and fingered the beads thoughtfully as she walked over to the window.

  The parking lot was still relatively empty, none of the work crowd had left yet and it was too early for the school busses to make their rounds. Vanessa stepped back from the window and pulled down the blinds, letting her towel drop to the floor. David or no David, she was going to wear her new outfit today. She pulled open one of her drawers and was about to pull out a pair of panties when she realized that the bra and panty set she had bought yesterday were missing. She stepped out in to the living room to make sure she hadn’t just left the bag behind. It wasn’t there.

  She was just about to turn back to the bedroom when she heard a key enter the lock.

  “Just a minute!” She ran in to her bedroom and grabbed the wet towel off the floor, wrap
ping it around her. She walked back to the front door just as David was coming in.

  “There was a bag outside the apartment, you must have dropped it.” He said with a huge grin on his face.

  “Thank you!” Vanessa said quickly, grabbing for the bag. David pulled his hand back, pulling the bag just out of her reach. “Come on! Don’t be an ass.” She giggled.

  David cocked his head to the side and offered up the bag. Vanessa took it quickly before he had a chance to snatch it back. As she took it, he smiled.

  “Patience is a virtue…” he said in the same gruff and low toned voice she grew all too familiar with the night before.

  Vanessa went still for a moment and stared at David. A part of her couldn’t believe that voice had just come from him. “What did you say?” She asked.

  “Patience…” he said, “it’s a virtue…” His eyes sparkled as he winked at her.

  Her heart gave a little jolt as she looked at David with the biggest grin stretching across her face.

  “I know it is ‘Tom’.”

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  Her hands feathered through his hair as his tongue traced up her wet lips, circling around her clit and making her hips lurch.

  “You like that?” He said as he brought his head up just enough to speak, his hot breath teasing her wetness.

  “Yes,” She panted.

  “You know what you’d like even more than this?” He asked before trailing his tongue back up her wet lips.

  “What?” She asked, clawing at the top of his head and grinding her pussy against his exploring mouth. He forced his head back against her hands, making enough room to talk.

  “Signing up for Megan West’s newsletter.”

  “Huh?” She asked confused.

  “You think this is hot? With the newsletter you’ll learn about Megan West’s new releases and get special subscriber freebies. She’s always releasing new books and you’ll get plenty of naughty sex just like this. Plus, who wouldn’t want free stuff.”

  “How do I sign up?”

  “Just click the sign up link below.”

  “Good, now keep going.” She said, forcing his face back between her legs with a devilish smile.

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