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Love or Lust Page 3

  Her wrists were red and sore, but this didn’t stop her from clutching onto his shoulders tightly and digging her nails into his flesh. Jacob could feel the little crescent indentations forming as he started slamming into her again, his own guttural groans mixing with her sounds of ecstasy.

  “Oh, oh, oh yes,” she cried in his ear to the rhythm of his movements.

  He was done being strong and holding out. He was lost in the moment just as much as she was, enjoying every sensation coursing through his body. He was beyond turned on and slammed his cock into her like an uncontrollable animal.

  He couldn’t recall a time like this with any woman he had ever been with. Miley wrapped her legs tighter around him, pulling his cock in deeper. He shifted slightly and entered her at a different angle, causing her to smack his back and scream in sheer ecstasy. Her hips and legs started to shake. Her entire body quacked as he continued pounding into her even harder and faster than before.

  He knew when her second orgasm hit and it was somehow more powerful than the first. It shook her entire body. Her head was lolling from side to side and her choked cries were wild as her pelvic muscles contracted around his cock.

  “Fuck!” he cried out. He couldn’t hold back. He felt his own climax building up inside and it was going to come hard and soon.

  “I’m going to cum,” he yelled out. She quickly clutched at his hips and pulled him inside her as far as possible. His hips started jerking forward erratically and he gripped so tightly onto her waist her skin nearly bruised. She screamed as she felt his cock tense up inside. As her body went limp and she gasped for air, he continued to jerk his hips uncontrollably until his juices exploded from deep inside her.

  Jacob let out a sharp gasp and fell forward, nuzzling his face into her neck as he tried to still himself. That was easily the most intense orgasm either one of them had ever experienced.


  “I’m pretty sure you broke a rule,” he joked with Miley a couple minutes later.

  “Oh, come on.” she said before turning to look at him with a grin. She reached out and ran a single finger down his cheek. “What about my free time? You didn’t deliver.”

  “Oh, I don’t think you get that free time,” he replied. She looked at him, eyebrows raised. “If I recall, you got punished because you misbehaved.”

  “Yes, but then I made up for it.” She turned onto her side to face him, her hand deftly running up his thigh until it was wrapped around his half stiff cock. He jerked back slightly.

  “Don’t move,” she whispered. She leaned forward to kiss him as her hand stroked him until it started swelling up again. He gulped. He debated between stopping her, but he wanted to see how she took this on. Maybe she had made up for it and who was he to say this wasn’t what she could do with her free time? He felt her guide his cock toward her pussy. She immediately started trembling as he entered her again, but this time he decided to take it slow. This second round was something else and he was all for going with the flow.

  “Oh,” he whispered. She was extremely wet from a mixture of her own juices and his. She felt warm and tight. It was amazing. It was incredibly intimate, something that added a different level to it all. Miley pushed him onto his back by his shoulder and swung her leg over him before guiding his shaft back inside her.

  Leaning forward, she whispered into his ear, “Just like this this.”

  She started rolling her hips up and down. Jacob began thrusting upward at her rhythm. She rotated her hips and shut her eyes, throwing her head back as she moaned. She ran her hand up her stomach before fondling her own breasts and picking up the pace.

  “I’m going to finish soon if you keep this up,” Jacob gasped, watching the way her dainty little hands worked her pink nipples. She wriggled her hips down on him and moaned louder. He knew that was exactly what she wanted and it was working like a charm. She reached down and started fingering her clit as she moved up and down on his cock, her moans growing into shrieks and her entire face red. Her body tensed up and, for the third time, he saw and felt her orgasm hit. That was all it took. He gripped her hips and jerked up into her as he exploded from the tip of his cock yet again.

  When both of them recovered from their intense pleasure, Miley lifted herself off and curled up beside him. Jacob pulled her in close and hugged her tightly, his hand affectionately rubbing her back.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her hair.

  “I love you too.”

  ` Free Bonus Novella ‘Wrong for Me’

  Chapter 1

  “I can’t stand that bitch.” I said to myself under my breath.

  That bitch I’m speaking of was Jennifer Ryan, the golden child of the office, and just then she was buttering up to the head boss, Mr. Paul.

  If I’m being honest, at the time I was probably just jealous. And who wouldn’t be?

  She’s got gorgeous long brown hair that’s always curled to perfection, she’s a little taller than most women, and she always wears formfitting dresses to accentuate her flawless body. And right then, she was talking to the one man that could give me the promotion I had been working toward for two years.

  I watched as Jennifer leaned in a little closer to Mr. Paul, placing her hand gently on his chest with a flashing smile. She was such a flirt and it made me sick to my stomach.

  There I was actually trying to do my job and make it to the vice president position using my work ethic and experience; not using my round ass and flashing my cleavage to the boss in tight dresses like she was.

  She must suck his cock when everyone’s gone home for the day. I thought to myself and laughed out loud as I finished up my copies. Jackie was at the copy machine next to me and gave me a courteous smile when she heard me laugh under my breath.

  For the most part I kept to myself at my job. I was a hard worker, always went above and beyond, and never failed to impress Mr. Paul. In all honesty I was pretty important to the small advertising firm. In fact, Jennifer, myself, and Mr. Paul were the only people in the office that had their own private office. Not counting the currently empty vice president office of course.

  That used to belong to Mr. Fountain, a portly man who always had a new joke every day. I actually liked him, he always treated the employees right. But he ended up leaving for a better job in St. Louis. I couldn’t blame him. Everyone in the office was stale, overly professional, and they were always fighting to get their way to the top. I know because I used to be just like them. And just like Mr. Fountain, I tossed around the idea of leaving also. But when the vice president position came available I stayed.

  “You did such a remarkable job on the Carlson account, bravo Jennifer, bravo.” I practically sneered when I heard Mr. Paul praise Jennifer for her ‘job well done.’

  It made me sick to my stomach. I had been working at OP Advertising Firm twice as long as Jennifer, but she came in fresh out of college and ‘worked’ her way up the corporate ladder to be my number one contender for the vice president position.

  I put ‘worked’ in quotations because that’s what she would tell everybody. That’s probably what Mr. Paul would tell everybody as well. But I knew better, I figured the rumors were true and she just fucked her way to the top.

  I headed back to my office with my copies in hand, trailing behind Jennifer and Mr. Paul and listening to all the wonderful complements she was getting along the way.

  “Good job Jennifer.” Jonathan said as she walked past him.

  Jonathan was a coworker of ours that my office friend Samantha pressured me to go on a date with that Thursday. He was young, clean-cut, and handsome. The only problem—he’s was also incredibly boring, dry, and barely had any character. Still, I couldn’t figure out if he actually didn’t have a personality or if he was just trying to be the cookie-cutter professional type and didn’t want to offend anybody.

  Chirp Chirp.

  That’s the bird chime on my phone for text messages. I rolled my eyes before I even looked at it, it
had to be my mother. I grabbed my phone and looked. Sure enough, it was one of my mother’s ‘daily motivational messages’. She can be extremely overbearing sometimes; actually most of the time. I don’t remember when it started, but she had gotten into the habit of sending me text messages every day to ‘motivate me towards a better life’. Sometimes I wondered if a better life would be to not have her barking down my neck all the time.

  I clicked open the message as I walked into my office and closed the door behind me.

  -You have to fight through the bad days in order to earn the best days.-

  What the hell did that even mean if every day seemed to be a bad day. I would be lying if I said I was happy. I had been working my ass off for the O.P. Advertising Firm and for what? Happiness? If it was for happiness I hadn’t found it yet. Maybe the vice president position would give me happiness, but deep down inside I knew it wouldn’t.

  So much of my life up until then had been pleasing my mom. She was a single mother, and a very successful doctor. She had paved her own way her entire life and she expected her daughter to do the same. But sometimes I really questioned if what I wanted was success in the classical sense of the word.

  Maybe instead I wanted to settle for the less than the more. So many things in life seem to be like that don’t they? Everything is a give-and-take. If you work more you have less free time, but maybe you make more money. And without money you can’t do the fun things you wanted to do in the first place. So I’m just caught up in some ridiculous rat race with an overbearing mother breathing down my neck literally every day.

  I don’t even know why I still bothered reading her messages. Probably because she’s my mom and that was what I was supposed to do.

  The truth was I was miserable. I wasn’t happy and the vice president position wasn’t going to make me happy either. I couldn’t help but feel that my constant strive for success was to please my mother and not please me.

  I stared at the background picture of my monitor. It was a picture of the giant redwood trees in California. I had always wanted to see those but never found the time to actually get away and travel. That was a huge dream of mine—to travel outside the city, buy some beat up car, and go on a road trip across the country and see all the sites. I had lived in New York city my whole life and rarely got out in the countryside; let alone the Grand Canyon, the big redwood trees, or Yellowstone.

  The job, the constant clawing to get to the top only to be stopped by Ms. Perfect, the daily commute, the boring men in the corporate world…it was all beginning to be too much for me.

  I wanted to be free of it all and go out to be wild and crazy for once. I followed the rules my whole life, from high school all the way through college and then into my professional life. I never got to do what I wanted to do. It was all about making my mother happy and building a future life that I wasn’t even sure I wanted.

  I wanted to do something crazy. Something unmistakably different than my life in an office. Maybe I could go skydiving, or bungee jumping. Maybe I would actually quit my job, buy that beat up old car, and travel the country. Maybe I’d meet a stranger in a bar, go to his hotel room, and fuck him without even knowing his name.

  I rolled my eyes at the thought of something so silly. I wasn’t that wild and crazy. Although, a part of me really wanted to be.

  There was a knock at my door. It was Samantha, the closest person I could call a friend in the office. She was the one that set me up on a date with Jonathan. I say ‘set me up’ but it was more like constantly nagging me until I gave in only to shut her up. She was a good person and usually wasn’t annoying. She just wanted the best for me.

  I waved her in.

  “Hey Kayla, there’s a few files that need to be looked over on the Carlson account that Jennifer just finished up on.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Of course.” I said as I reluctantly held out my hand.

  Chirp Chirp.

  “Damnit, shit…” It was probably my mother again.

  Samantha looked at me with a shocked face and quickly looked out the door to see if someone had heard what I said. Samantha was timid, shy, and always worried about stepping on somebody’s toes. She was a sweet, professional girl that had no desire to work herself up the corporate food chain. She was content on staying a secretary. I envied that about her.

  “No one heard, let me see the files. I’ll get them done and have them on your desk for Jennifer in an hour.”

  Samantha handed me the files and headed back towards the door. Before she closed it she peeked back in.

  “I hope it’s nothing bad.” She gave a worried face with clenched teeth.


  “The message?”

  “Oh, no. It’s just,” I gave a heavy sigh, “my mother.”

  Samantha gave a questioning look and an awkward nod before walking out and closing the door behind her. I quickly glanced at the message to see what it was this time.

  To my surprise it wasn’t my mother, it was my best friend Vivian.

  -Hey chick. Wanna go out tonight?-

  Vivian was a bit of the wild child type. The complete and total opposite of Samantha. And, for the most part, the total opposite of myself. I had been friends with Vivian since junior high. She had taken a different path than me. While I suffered my way through college she was in and out of hairdresser school in no time. She didn’t make as much as me, but her job allowed her to have a lot of free time. Vivian had always chosen fun over success. But never so much fun to neglect her life, she had a great life that didn’t require her to work 24/7.

  In many ways my best friend was everything I wanted to be. Well, let me explain. I didn’t want to actually BE her and I didn’t necessarily want her job or anything. But she lived a life of fun and excitement. She wasn’t afraid to go out and meet strangers at a bar and occasionally have a one-night stand.

  Every once in a while she would ask me if I wanted to go out with her and I would. I would always have a blast, but in the morning I couldn’t help but feel a little more depressed than I did before. It was as if going out with her made me realize what I was missing. What if I didn’t work towards the super professional career? What if I chose my time over money? What if I did what I wanted and said to hell with everything else.

  But to be honest, at the time, everything seemed a little less clear. I wasn’t totally sure if I wanted to be the wild child like Vivian. As much as my professional career brought me unhappiness, it was familiar. And there’s a certain sense of comfort in familiarity.

  -I’m not sure. I’ve got some things I need to wrap up if I want to get this promotion.-

  I texted back with a reluctant sigh.

  -Oh, come on. Live a little girl.-

  My teeth sink into my lower lip as I contemplated what I should do. While I was thinking of what I should do I should’ve been thinking of what I needed to do.

  The background on my computer changed to the Grand Canyon. It was my favorite background picture. My eyes traced over the golden sunset and the miles upon miles of red rocks and deep valleys. My gaze fell back onto the Carlson files that Samantha had laid on my desk. My thoughts were interrupted by laughter just outside my office window.

  I glanced up to see Jennifer in her stunning red dress chatting up a group of coworkers. They all stared at her like she was some kind of entertainer on stage. Everywhere she went she was the center of attention.

  “I can’t stand that bitch.” I whispered to myself under my breath. I knew it wasn’t a good attitude to have, but sometimes it feels good to vent.

  I looked back at the picture on my monitor. It practically called my name.

  I knew I needed to stay late at the office to get work done. What happened next was out of character for me.

  -Okay, I’ll go—

  My heart jerked a little when I made the commitment. It was the first time in a long time I actually had done something I wanted to do and not something I felt obligated to do. />
  I was going to make the most of our night out.

  Chapter 2

  “Boy, you really know how to pick’em.” I said as I looked around the small dusty dive bar before my eyes finally settled on a tall, muscular, man playing pool in the corner.

  “What’s the matter? Not fancy enough for you.” Vivian teased as she took a drink of her beer.

  The man glanced up from the table and locked eyes with me. My heart lurched a little the moment his gaze caught sight of me. He had a thick head of black hair, a little more than a 5 o’clock shadow that speckled across a sharp jaw line, dark eyebrows and bright green eyes that pierced through the dusty, dimly lit bar.

  “Not fancy enough? Now don’t make me sound like some prissy little girl that doesn’t like to get dirty.” I shot back with a smile before finishing off my drink. I had already had a few Long Island’s and was starting to feel the buzz coursing through my body.

  “Well I wouldn’t exactly call you prissy, but I’m not sold on the idea that you like to get dirty.” Vivian said as she gave me a playful nudge of the elbow.

  I glanced back at the man playing pool as he rounded the table to take aim, his heavy motorcycle boots thudded on the wooden floor as he walked. He bent over, back facing towards me.

  “Are you checking out that guy’s butt?” Vivian asked with a shocked look on her face.

  I was.

  “What? No!” I laughed with embarrassment.

  “Liar. Your face always turns red when you’re embarrassed. Look at you Ms. Kayla Rhoads. Slummin’ tonight.” Vivian burst out in sharp laughter as she waved to the bartender to get more drinks for each of us.

  “Oh hush, I can’t help it. All the guys at the office are boring. Samantha set me up with a date with a guy named Jonathan, but I can’t help but think he’s a stale piece of toast.”

  “Maybe not, give it a try. At least you’ll get free dinner out of it.” Vivian said with a shrug of her shoulders.

  I wrapped my lips around my straw and sucked my drink down to the middle of the glass. I was already starting to feel lightheaded and made a mental note not to have another.