Submit: Erotic Domination Box Set Page 3
“It doesn’t seem entirely appropriate,” I replied.
I took the dress from her and held it up. I examined it carefully and tried to think of how Anna would look in it. She would no doubt pull it off, but thinking about wearing it, I couldn't help but feel like it just wasn’t work appropriate.
“Trust me,” Anna said, “It’ll look much better than you’re thinking.”
I quickly stripped down to pull the dress on. I turned to look in the mirror and ran my hands over my hips to smooth out the creases. I stared at my reflection from head to toe. I didn’t even need to change my shoes.
“Okay,” I breathed, appreciating the new look much more now that I actually had it on, “You were right.”
“Of course I was. I’m offended that you ever doubted I knew what I was talking about.”
“I didn’t-”
“Oh yes you did, but I forgive you,” Anna said with a smile, “Ready to go find a man at this thrilling conference?”
“Oh yeah,” I laughed sarcastically.
Anna laughed and led the way out the door of my hotel room. We walked down the hall to the elevators and waited. I heard my phone go off in my purse, placed my hand on the purse’s clasp, and paused before deciding to ignore the message for now. Whatever it was could wait.
“Good evening, ladies,” a young man with a cute smile greeted us, “Would you care for an escort to the conference?”
I eyed him warily, but Anna took over, “How sweet of you to offer, cutie pie, but we can get there just fine.”
“My pleasure,” the young man said pleasantly, “I hope you ladies enjoy the evening.”
“Doubtful,” I murmured.
“Ignore her, she’s not the good-natured one of us,” Anna chuckled as she pulled me away from the young man and toward the direction of the conference rooms.
“Well, I certainly hope her mood improves so you can both enjoy your evening.” He said as we walked away.
I whipped around to look at the young man. It was only then that I noticed he was wearing a uniform. He had clearly been employed by the company for the conference and so I felt a little bad about being so quick to judge him. However, I still was irritated with his unsolicited comment.
“Ignore it,” Anna mumbled, tugging me away again.
“Whatever,” I replied.
Chapter Two
Anna and I walked up to the tables. A young man asked to see our IDs and marked our names off a list before handing each of us a small gift bag.
“Once inside, you’ll be escorted to your table,” he informed us.
“They’re making this seem more like a formal dinner or benefit than a conference,” I said, feeling more annoyed with the whole thing with each passing second.
“Give it a rest,” Anna snapped, “You have to be here and being a sourpuss the whole time won’t make it go by any quicker.”
I looked at her in surprise. Anna was rarely so snippy, much less with me, but I just decided to brush it off. To some degree, she was probably right. I sighed and got lost in my thoughts as we were lead to our table. It was true that the conference was mandatory. It was also true that complaining the whole time would just make it worse. Even if I didn’t see the point of being there, I knew it was wise to heed Anna’s words and just make the best of it.
The entire room was filled with people chattering and the sound of live music. The table was decorated simple, but tastefully. I thought it was quite a good idea to have a “home base” at the table rather than running around like mad and having nowhere to take a break or set things down. I took a deep breath and decided I would really give it a try to enjoy the night as much as possible. The worst thing that could happen, after all, was that it would turn out to be dull.
“Joelle? Joelle Whitaker?”
I looked up at the tall, handsome man who had just strolled up to our table. I glanced down at the seat in front of me and smirked.
“That’s what it says on my name card,” I replied.
The man grinned and walked over to peer over my shoulder, “So you weren’t lying.”
“You assumed I was?”
“Maybe you’re playing some kind of identity. How could I know?”
“Who says I’m not?”
“Exactly,” the man smirked, not breaking eye contact for even a second.
Anna cleared her throat and slowly placed her little clutch purse and the gift bag on the table. She glanced at her own name card, then at me, and then at the man. Her eyes glinted. I was curious to know what she was thinking. Then it dawned on me– Anna was assuming the two of us were flirting. I wanted to hastily tell her that wasn’t the case, but something stopped me.
“I’m just going to go get a drink,” she finally squeaked, “Want something, Joelle?”
I chuckled and ran my hand through my long hair. I loved that Anna was playing along with this inadvertent game.
“I don’t mind grabbing whatever she’d like,” the man piped up.
Anna smirked, “Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind grabbing”-
“Thanks! Uh,” I laughed awkwardly, “Thanks, Anna. I’m fine for now.”
Anna shrugged and gave the man a look before sauntering away in the direction of the bar. I swallowed and eyed the man’s now outstretched hand. I hesitated only briefly before shaking it.
“Kyle,” the man said.
I gave a small nod. His deep, green eyes seemed to pierce right through me. His face was square and handsome and for a moment I felt my throat going dry. He had dark brown hair that matched beautifully with his olive skin. He was easily one of the most attractive men I had ever laid eyes on at an event like this.
I truly never expected to see anyone like him at a work event. I figured he had to be from a partner company. There was no way I would have missed him in my building. He wore a tailored suit with a hunter green tie that brought out his eyes. He looked damn fine.
“I, uh, I should mingle,” I said with a pause, “I mean, I need to ‘network’.”
“Well, consider one checked off,” he smiled.
I tilted my head and looked at him curiously before slowly walking into the crowd. My heart was racing. I scanned the room until I spotted my supervisor, Marietta, who was chatting up the higher-up executives of one of the partner companies. I cleared my throat. As I walked toward my supervisor, I found myself wishing I had taken up Anna or Kyle on that drink earlier.
“Good evening,” Marietta said with her sickly grin.
I returned the smile and introduced myself to the executives. I made pointless small talk, complimented their work, and did all the other mindless chatter that was expected at these networking conferences. I couldn’t help it that my gaze wandered from time to time to see where Kyle was. I nodded to one of the droll stories a vice president was telling before finally locating Kyle. He was standing close to the bar with a drink in hand and talking to Anna. I gulped. I knew Anna wouldn't be hitting on him– at least I hoped that wasn’t the case. It wasn't as if I had explicitly told her that he was mine.
“What a fascinating experience,” I said with false laughter, “It must be quite something to work with you, not that I have any complaints about my job.”
Marietta laughed shrilly, “Oh, good, I was starting to worry one of my best employees was going to be poached!”
The executives laughed. I joined in. Non if it was actually funny and I had a suspicion that none of them found it funny either. That was when I saw Anna nod in my direction and Kyle turned to look at me. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my entire body. Even from this distance, his stare seemed to pierce right through me.
“Of course not,” I said, “It was great meeting you all. I hope you have a lovely night!”
“You too, darlin’,” one of the other executives drawled.
I walked straight toward Kyle. I felt almost hypnotized and drawn to his gaze. There wasn’t a single thought in my mind other than standing right in front of the dashing young
man as soon as possible. Ann smirked at me and walked away just as I reached the bar. Kyle turned to face me and outstretched his hand to give me a martini.
“Your co-worker mentioned you like it dirty,” he said boldly with the slight hint of suggesting something other than a drink.
“She must be more of a friend than just a co-worker to know that about me,” I replied, taking the drink. I took a sip and smacked my lips, “The dirtier, the better.”
“Is that so?”
“Unlike you, Mr. Neat,” I said, nodding at the scotch in his hand.
Kyle held up the glass and shrugged, “I like order. That's all it means."
“Does that mean you like things to be in order or that you like to give orders?”
“Both,” he smirked.
I felt heat coil in my stomach. This was definitely going somewhere and wherever it was going was infinitely more interesting than the ‘networking’ event.
Chapter Three
I couldn’t have been at the conference for more than two or three hours when I was wedged between the wall of a corridor and Kyle’s body. He was staring into my eyes and his lips were a mere centimeter from mine. My head was spinning. The two of us had made our way through the crowd and charmed the people I was supposed to be networking with. This kind of conference had never been so interesting. Even listening to one of the speakers was tolerable with Kyle by my side. For some reason, though, from the moment the last panel had ended to the moment, I ended up pushed against the wall was all a bit of a blur.
“I usually hate these things,” Kyle muttered.
“Not as much as I do,” I replied.
“Don’t be too sure about that.”
“You don’t be too sure about anything… Not even that I’m really Joelle Whitaker.”
Kyle laughed, “Well, whoever you are, I like you.”
I felt my mind go blank and mouth dry. My heart pounded loudly in my chest and I felt like it was a struggle just to breathe. I had never reacted this way to anybody.
“Wait,” I said slowly, “You knew my name before you even read the name card.”
“So you admit that you are Joelle?”
I laughed, “Maybe.”
“It took you a while.”
“Figuring out that I approached you before I even had a chance to read that little card on the table.”
“Oh, right.”
“Are you freaked out now?”
“I’m intrigued.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“Well, then, how did you know me?”
“It’s not like you’re a nobody at your company, you know. Your latest report was presented to us as an exemplar and I was impressed.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yes. In fact, I was so impressed that I looked you up. I’ve got to say… I liked what I read.”
“And what you saw,” I muttered.
“That goes without saying,” he told me, “But don’t sell yourself short. There’s a lot to you. Well, at least from what I can learn online and the bit I’ve gleaned tonight.”
“Well, Kyle, you’ve left an impression on me too.”
“I gathered as much.”
“Full of ourselves, are we?”
“Confident and perceptive,” he corrected with a smirk.
“I see.”
“This is the first time I made a meaningful connection at one of these things.”
“Same here.”
He smirked and leaned in so close I felt his lips graze mine. I shuddered. I wanted him to kiss me so badly that my knees felt weak. I stared into his eyes as if trying to will him to finally bridge the tiny gap between us.
“So I think we’ve both done the networking thing well tonight,” he said, his lips grazing mine with every word he spoke.
“Above and beyond,” I breathed out, “So, are you going to kiss me or not?”
“No,” he said.
I felt like something heavy had just fallen on me. I felt the wind knocked out of me as my chest tightened. There was no way he didn’t want to kiss me– he was making his desire abundantly clear. And he had approached me first.
“Are you going to move, then?”
“Do you have any other answer for anything?”
Kyle licked his lips and I felt the tip of his tongue just barely brush over mine, “I do if you ask the right question.”
“So there’s more to find out.”
“So much more,” he told me.
I could feel his hot breath on my skin. His closeness was driving me mad. I just wanted to know what it was like to kiss him already. I bit my lower lip and decided to go for it. I leaned forward, but just before our lips met, he pulled his head back.
“So you’re not going to let me kiss you either?”
“How badly do you want it?”
"Seriously," he told me with a huge smirk.
“I want to kiss you. I mean, I really want to kiss you.”
“So what are you waiting for?”
I stared at him. I debated engaging in this little banter for a little longer by telling him that he’d been the one to pull back. But I preferred the alternative, which was finally kissing him.
I blinked and then moved in quickly, pressing my lips against his. I could feel him smiling against my mouth. I wiped that smile off his face by running my tongue between his lips. He opened his mouth as I deepened the kiss. Before I knew it, I had gone from wanting to kiss him so badly I could barely stand it to kissing madly in the corridor.
“Do you want to come back to my room,” he muttered against my kisses.
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” I replied, already feeling heat building up between us.
“I’m curious. Just how dirty do you like it?”
I smirked, “Dirtier than my drinks.”
Chapter Four
Kyle practically slammed me against the inside of his hotel room’s door as he kissed me feverously. He pushed his body up against mine. The moment I felt his hardness against my thigh my heart gave a jolt. I groaned and my eyes fluttered open. Kyle pulled away from the kiss and gave me a meaningful look before leaning in to kiss nibble at my neck. I dropped my head back, shut my eyes, and relished in the moment.
“I really didn’t fucking expect this,” he breathed out heavily on my neck.
“Believe me, neither did I.”
He kissed me deeply. I draped my arms over his shoulders and fell into the moment completely. Every part of me felt hot as if the heat that had coiled in my belly had spread throughout my body and set my skin on fire. My heart was racing again, but it was different than it had been earlier. This was excitement. It was anticipation. All of this was an intense desire of the kind I had never experienced before. There was something so alluring about him that I couldn’t pass up.
“Hey,” he muttered, “What about your friend?”
“Excuse me?”
I took pause and tried not to let my heart sink. I didn’t want to just be imagining everything. I didn’t want this to go awkwardly bad.
“I meant, don’t you want to let her know that you… skipped off?”
“Oh,” I said with relief.
Kyle chuckled, “She’s an attractive girl, don’t get me wrong, but…”
“But you, Joelle, there’s just something about you and that has all of my focus.”
I bit my lower lip as I tried, but failed, to conceal a coy smile. I moved my hand up and ran it through his hair, which turned out to be silkier than I had anticipated.
“So, now I have a question for you,” I breathed against his lips.
“Just one?”
“For now,” I smirked, “What kind of orders do you like to give?”
“Oh,” he said with a tiny smirk curling up the corner of his lips, “Oh, I think I see where this is going.”
“Do you?”
id you already forget about how very perceptive I am?”
I laughed, “That’s right. You are. So, answer the question.”
“Excuse me, I’m the one who gives the orders, remember?”